Christmas Ice Rinks | Synthetic Ice Rinks are the new attraction


Get your ice rink for Christmas, a highly requested attraction at this time of year. Not better way to encourage Christmas shoppings, help the shops in the area and get a decoration and environment of these dates. Last but not least, more advantages of installing synthetic ice rinks at Christmas:


Profitability: obtaining income through the sale of tickets for minutes of skating, as well as possibility of income through merchandising articles, cafeteria next to the ice rink, and / or advertising in billboards of other businesses or entrepreneurs. Buy your Smartice rink at the best market price!

Free publicity: The local and regional media will publish the installation of the synthetic ice rink as it is a highly requested activity during the Christmas season, getting free publicity to the initiative, and being able to reach as many people as possible. Likewise, other local entrepreneurs will want to place their vinyl and advertising on your billboards. You will be able to obtain additional income that will help to make your investment profitable sooner than you think.

Take care of the environment: Our synthetic ice rinks do not consume energy or water for maintenance or installation. This generates savings in electricity and water bills, in addition to the non-emission of CO2, and no need for glycol, a chemical product for cooling conventional ice rinks.

Good for businesses because it increases consumption and traffic of people. Many residents of the town will leave their homes to enjoy a day of skating, as well as take advantage of shopping in the area. A Christmas Skating rink, will bring added value to the town, as neighbors from other nearby locations will also attend.

Easy assembly: How to install an ice rink at Christmas? The Smartice synthetic ice rinks are easily assembled and disassembled, for example, an average ice rink of 200m2 can be assembled in a single day with four operators. Facilitating the use during the Christmas season and disassembling when it finishes.

Events: From ballet to theater, hockey exhibitions … The Smartice rinks are perfect to give the special touch to the most magical time of the year. Attract more people thanks to the Christmas synthetic ice rink, with the organization of this type of events, thus boosting the space, and maximizing extra income from complementary activities (cafeteria, merchandising …).

Our prices

The Smartice ecological ice packs pack includes all the necessary accessories to make your business a success of assistance and social claim. Do you want to know the prices of all our packs? We detail them below so you can choose the option that best suits your budget and available space.


Pack50m2. Nuestra pista de hielo 50m2 (5m x 10m), es la más pequeña y económica. Perfecta para niños y para instalar en espacios limitados.
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Pack100m2. Superficie de hielo sintético 100m2 (7m x 14m), tamaño perfecto para espacios pequeños aunque suficiente para una perfecta jornada de patinaje. Pista de hielo portátil fácilmente montable y desmontable para instalar donde y cuando quieras.
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Pack160m2. Uno de nuestros paquetes más demandados, pista de hielo 160m2 (10m x 16m), es una medida adaptable a múltiples espacios y con un precio imbatible.
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Pack200m2. Nuestra pista de hielo de 200m2 (10m x 20m) es el pack más solicitado por nuestros clientes. Una superficie óptima para dar cabida a unas 50 personas por un precio excepcional.
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Pack300m2. La pista de hielo de 300m2 (15m x 20m) supone un paso más en cuanto a tamaño, al tratarse de una superficie de hielo grande con espacio para que 75 personas patinen a la vez.
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Pack400m2. ¿Quieres acoger a 100 patinadores a la vez? Esta es la pista perfecta para ti. Pista de hielo 400m2 (14m x 28m), una superficie enorme con un impacto visual inigualable.
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Pack600m2. Tratamos ya de superficies de hielo considerables, la pista de hielo de 600m2 (20m x 30m) es perfecta para disputar partidos de hockey o abarcar espacios grandes de centros comerciales o estaciones de esquí.
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Pack800m2. Pista de hielo 800m2 (20m x 40m), la pista sintética más grande de Smartice, la cual permite a 200 personas patinar al mismo tiempo. ¡Un espectáculo visual asegurado!
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