With Smartice it is possible to ice skating in summer. Without major expenses or energy consumption. Thanks to Smartice’s technology, our rinks can withstand high temperatures without impairing their proper functioning. Be one of the first to install an ice rink in summer, and on the beach!

Differentiation and innovation: not all companies have the possibility of having an ice rink in summer. The Smartice synthetic ice rinks are prepared to be used outdoors under any climate and weather conditions. In this way it is already possible to skate on ice in summer, regardless of whether there are high temperatures.

Increase tourism in the city with a synthetic ice rink. Ice skating at the beach during the summer is a beautiful experience. It´s an activity that will attract crowds even attracting tourists and turning it into the main city attraction, whether it is cities on the beach, other touristic cities or summer camps.

Sports activities in summer: Introduce ice rinks in summer camps (ice skating in summer camps), and offer hockey training and / or ice skating activities for children of all ages and levels. Younger people can improve their hockey skills, with training and technique, as well as learn new maneuvers and tricks in an environment that promotes sportsmanship, teamwork and, above all, fun.

Economic and ecological: Our synthetic ice rinks do not consume energy or water for maintenance or installation. This generates savings in electricity and water bills, and the non-emission of CO2, in addition does not need the use of chemical products for its proper functioning. Get a good image for your company or city with the use of synthetic ice rinks instead of conventional ice rinks.

Our prices

The Smartice ecological ice packs pack includes all the necessary accessories to make your business a success of assistance and social claim. Do you want to know the prices of all our packs? We detail them below so you can choose the option that best suits your budget and available space.